Wednesday, August 1, 2012

WW: Fav Instagram Pics from the last week

I haven't done a Wordless Wednesday post in some time.  Mainly because I don't have that much time.  I also haven't picked my real camera up in a while, AND.... I can no longer edit any pictures even slightly here at work, boo!

For those of you that haven't caught on to the greatness of Instagram,
#1 get with the program
#2 find me there tsharp12

Here's a little sneak peek of my favorite pics from the week. 

The view off of our back deck - our field and little pond.  Our aunt and uncle's horses.  Awesome, right?!

I'm in love with early morning runs.  I wish I could do it every single day, but I have fell in love with early Saturday mornings.

A sunrise from my front yard.

The bridge I cross every day to and from work.  Traffic was bad and we were stopped on it enough to feel it shake, so I safely snapped the pic.

P.S. I love the sky!

Go check out Lish and some of her adorable family here.

1 comment:

  1. Aww... you're so cute. Wish we could run together. That'd be fun. Isn't it amazing how easy it is to snap pics with the phone? Can't believe I ever lived without it. Ha. I've been enjoying following you via instagram. Thanks so much for the shout out! Have a great day!



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