Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I love to look at pictures of our Honeymoon.  Dale and I went to Cancun.  It was the first major trip we went on just the two of us.  Dale is not a fan of flying.  We were on the outskirts of Cancun in an all exclusive resort.  It was quiet and peaceful and just perfect.  Being young, tan, and a bit more solid are fond, fond memories!

We did an excursion on one of our last days to Chichen Itza.  We got the real view of Mexico during this horribly long drive.  I was blown away with the poverty.  We stopped at a little village to eat.  All of the food was room temperature as well as the drinks.  It wasn't the most appetizing, but the only option we had as we would be out there ALL day.   Long story short, we got sick.  Extremely sick.  Thankfully we had plans to spend our last day just hanging out on the beach.  We had no choice we couldn't get 2 steps away from a bathroom.  Talk about a nightmare traveling experience on our way home.  Both of us were sick for about 2 months afterwards, I'm not exaggerating.  Dale lost about 20 pounds and I lost about 15.  We were not really needing to lose any weight at that point in our lives.  We certainly looked sick. 

We climbed that.  The picture above is us standing on the top.  I don't think they let people climb the stairs anymore.  They are extremely steep.

Relaxing in the hammock outside our patio door looking out at the ocean.  So beautiful!

Yep, that's me before 3 babies.  Looking young and solid.  Oh how I miss that butt, those legs, and that tight tummy.  I actually only weigh about 5 more pounds now than I did here, but trust me, it does NOT look the same.

I had long curly hair then too.  We were headed out to dinner.

Such a cool guy

This was the little bar area down the beach a bit.  It was a very cool place. 

Even though we ended up sick I wish we could go back.  Fat chance, hubs is even more afraid of flying!  We are going to go to Hawaii on our 10th anniversary (2 more years) at least that is what I keep telling myself.  We'll see what happens. 

Thanks, Natalie for allowing me to take a beautiful walk down memory lane. 

Mommy of a Monster


  1. How fun! Gorgeous shots!! I think you look great now. I love the new header.



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