Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Just a quiet night at our house...

Boys jumping out of TVs and all.

Monkey see.  Monkey do.

We are potty training on and off.  Taking our time.  Not sweatin it.

Our nights usually contain a lot of this!  Not hurt, just mad at his bro!  Wyatt didn't fix the blanket right, you know like end of the world type things.

I'm linking up here.


  1. awww....the little one has no pants! lol

  2. lol. This is hilarious. You need some kind of a spa day girl. But you captured these action shots beautifully, no pants and all. :)

  3. The boys look like they are having so much fun. I'm glad you are the kind of Mum who lets them be boys and isn't afraid to let them jump around a bit!



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