Monday, November 22, 2010


Things are getting done around the Sharp household.  I have joined the ranks of some others that got the tree up early.  I didn't go all Everett style and have the gifts bought, wrapped, and put under the tree, but I am feeling good about where I'm at.  Two people have been crossed off the shopping list because I am done not because they made their way over to the naughty list.  That is by far the furthest along I have been up to this point.  Not to mention that the closets are clean and organized and the infant clothes consume the Nameless baby's dresser.  Ok, so I mentioned it.  We even have diapers.  Thanks, Amanda!!!  The house is completely clean except laundry and my bathroom and closet, go figure!  Always putting myself last (ha, ha!)

So, the tree is up.  The mantel is decorated.  The living room is rearranged. And all of the Christmas decorations have found their spots and a million other spots since two little boys can't keep their hands off of them!  You'll have to suffer through cell phone camera pics and the bright sunshine coming through the windows because my camera was out in the car and I didn't want to go get it.  Plus we have lived in this house for about 5 years now and still have not bought our blinds or any other kind of window treatments except for the bedrooms.

Now onto the Christmas cards.  Speaking of which, a great college friend of mine has recently started up a blog and I love reading it (you might too)!  She is doing her very first giveaway.  Go over to Runninghood to check it out and enter to win some Christmas cards or announcements designed by another college acquaintance of mine.  Go ahead and click around a bit too.  She is pretty inspirational and her kids are aadddorrrable (she said in a singing voice.)  Plus her husband's name is Waylon, just sayin!  It's one of the coolest names ever!

We even have our own little version of Lucy playing the football trick on her brother. Wyatt's "football field" runs the length of our living room and he sets his football holder up and carefully places the football in it just right.  When he turns his back to run away Waylon sneaks up and kicks the football off the holder every single time until I make him come sit by me.  He thinks it is quite funny.  Wyatt on the other hand goes into a complete melt down! 

This little guy down here, yes the adorably asleep little guy that seems like there isn't devil horns lying just under the service of that bed head of hair.  He is a turd if you couldn't tell from the story above.  How did he get like this?  What this sweet chubby little face and ridiculously long eyelashed picture doesn't tell you is that 5 minutes previous to this he was screaming bloody murder.

He REFUSED to take his nap in the crib where he takes his naps every weekend if we aren't in the car at nap time.  He was beyond tired and I just knew that he would give in any second so I didn't go back and rescue him.  This screaming went on for almost an hour.  No tears, just plain screaming mad.  I finally give it up and take him into the living room to sit in his daddy's chair to watch football.  It was like the switch was flipped, absolutely no screaming or crying.  I tried to talk to him and he told me to go into the kitchen.  I tried to make him laugh and he told me to go into the kitchen.  I said fine and went on with my kitchen cleaning.  I come out five minutes later to find this.  Ridiculous!  My newly two year old has turned into a typical man in the blink of an eye!  Telling me to go into the kitchen while he watches football in the recliner and falls asleep!  pfff!


  1. What a pretty tree! And wow, already telling the woman to go into the kitchen at such a young age! haha

  2. He's so cute napping like that! Thanks for the shout out T! I LOVEEEEEEEE your tree and decorations! Our tree is up too! Yippie for early trees!! :)

  3. JDaniel would love to be at your house. He can't understand why the stores are ready for Christmas and we aren't.

  4. kids sleep where kids sleep!

    I'm jeal of the decorations. Seriously. Can't wait to get mine up. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

  5. Your tree and decorations look FABULOUS! I am feeling pretty good with all the shopping I have done. We plan on getting our Christmas tree up this weekend!

  6. I love your decorations! I've wanted to make time to put mine up but there's nothing I despise mroe than putting the skirt on the tree! Ouch!

    Isn't that always the case with our little guys? Sweet angelic sleep immediately follows major meltdowns.



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