Monday, March 1, 2010

A Little Visitor

Friday a very special friend of mine came for a visit! This is beautiful Molly and her adorable son Rohnen. He is adorable and the sweetest thing ever!! He stole my heart right away! Molly and I played softball together in college. She was the center fielder, I played 3rd. She hit me in on a regular basis when she was at the plate! I know, we look just like collegiate softball players, huh!!!
Anyway, she is the most genuine friend a girl could ask for! Love her! She married a baseball player from college as well so don't be surprised if you hear some young man that just entered the majors with a unique name like Rohnen in about 20 years!!! He's a big boy! He looks more like a 9 month old than a 6 month old.

We met for dinner at Chili's and he was nothing but smiles and so content the whole time we were there. These pictures don't do the kid any justice. It is sickening how cute and sweet he is! (Hello baby fever!!!)

Here are all of the boys together. Waylon was more interested in Rohnen's blanket and binki than he was in Rohnen. I think he got a little jealous of him as well. He tried to get grease all over the poor baby's things and was successful! Some day these boys are going to be running around like crazy together playing baseball somewhere.

Wyatt LOVED Rohnen! He kept saying he was so sweet and that Rohnen loved him. Rohnen tried to squeeze his face and get Wyatt closer so he could get his mouth on him. Very, very sweet!

Waylon and his bed head watching my every move as I stood up to take a pic with Molly and her family!

Such a cutie! The absolute best part was when I had my head turned and then felt this suction on my opposite cheek. Rohnen had got me and the entire side of my face and had a good firm kiss planted on it. It was the slimiest and sweetest thing ever! I will take one of those any day!

Wyatt saying how sweet Rohnen is again! He got the same kiss planted on his forehead.

Molly's dad came as well, which was an extra treat! He was our assistant coach and I love that big teddy bear of a man!
It was a great visit even though it was so short. Hopefully we will be traveling up north to visit her very soon! Love you, Molly!
Random pics...

This is off of our back deck. The snow flakes were huge and beautiful and made everything seem so peaceful and quiet.

And this is Vic on his birthday, the picture is late, but at least I added one! Hope you have recovered well Vic and that 30 is treating you well!
Waylon had a great weekend. He was in a consistently good mood for 2 days in a row. I felt like I had a different kid. I am just glad his teeth weren't bothering him for once!
I also have to welcome little Kyler Fonseca to the world! She looks so sweet. Congratulations, Sarah, Tyler, and Ty!

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