Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I have determined that today, Wednesday, is D-Day. A day dedicated to my husband because I am far from giving him enough credit. Dale means the world to me. He is another part of me. I really would be lost without him. So each week as this day passes I will give you a little insight on what I appreciate about my Dalie Do. (Don't ever call him that!)

Dale does all of the "outside" work. He loves to mow and trim and he is REALLY good at it. Our yard looks professionally mowed every week and I love it. He takes the time to trim it and blow the grass from places it shouldn't be. This isn't a small task. We have a big yard!

He also shovels ALL of the snow and blades our driveway. He loves to do that as well. He loves to do outside work so much that he bought himself a bobcat this summer. Anyone needing some work done in the KC area… let me know. We really need to get some extra income to cover that expense and afford for him to buy a vehicle that can pull it around. I hate the cold unless I have tons of clothes on and can work up a sweat sledding; otherwise, I stay my cozy rear inside!

He does our landscaping too, true, it isn't much right now, but we will get there. That project gets expensive really fast. But so far I love my walkways and benches out the front door. Those 10 plus years at the landscaping company really paid off!

So, that's your insight for this week. You didn't think I would give you everything at once did you?

1 comment:

  1. Obviously Dalie Do doesn't read your blog! But I love that you tell us what you love about him even though he might not see this.

    I love the "man" stuff Nip does too! The only part I like about mowing is the free workout and tan!



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