Today, on this Patriot’s Day, a few of my friends are up in Boston taking in an experience I can only imagine wraps you up and takes hold of you until it is down into your bones. What an atmosphere it must be there. Top runners from all over the world taking on a brutal 26.2 miles. Wow! I get a little choked up just reading through their facebook messages and blog posts. This is something you just don’t wake up and do. You spend months, some even years, preparing for a moment like this. I’ve never ran into double digits consecutively in my life until this year (God willing), but I have followed many that have and it isn’t just your legs turning over and your arms pumping. It is emotional and life changing. I’ve heard you learn a lot about yourself and a lot about living a solid balanced life ready to face the mountains it offers. I’ve learned so much just training for 5k’s and half marathons to believe every bit of that to be truth. Good luck to all my friends out there on that road today. Maybe someday I’ll experience that. Do I hear another HUGE goal in the making? Maybe, maybe not.
On my training front… wow, training aside, the love and support that I get popping up here and there, well, I can’t really describe it. It humbles me and it pushes me on. I can’t thank you all enough. To get random messages from people that I didn’t even realize were following my journey or cared what I am doing just means the world to me. I can’t say or thank you enough to express what you are doing to my heart or how you are fueling my journey. Thank you for stepping out and saying something to be a part of that. If I can inspire one person to make a positive, healthy change in their life I feel like I have won. Maybe the majority want me to shut it, but for the ones that have sent me messages, emails, texts to say they are inspired… well, they are worth annoying a few others. So, I’m not going to shut up anytime soon. I may even start to get louder.
It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged. Training over my lunch hour leaves very little time for me time. I usually get me time during my drive to and from work, which doesn’t allow for blogging. My life is so full right now. I was thinking earlier it is like those days when you have a pile of laundry on the floor that you need to get to the washing machine but all of your baskets are full of either dirty or unfolded laundry, so you try your hardest to pick everything up in your arms and make it across the house in one trip without dropping anything. As you go socks slip out. Underwear hits the floor. You toe grab the shirt that slid off the top and wrap the pant leg around your arm just to get the job done. More times than not you have to go back for something. That pretty much describes my life right now. Yes, there is DIRTY laundry literally and figuratively just for those that think this journey is a piece of cake – a non-white flour, sugarless, no frosting, or filling piece of cake.
There are boys to love, a house to keep picked up, meals to cook and eat, baseball practices to attend, etc. With so much going on some or the majority of the things on your list fall off the pile and I have to find ways to pick them up, dust them off, and give them the attention they need. For those of you that didn’t get the picture blast on Facebook and Instagram we now have an awesome dog named, Maddox, aka Maggots. No matter how much Weston tries he just can’t say Maddox and it is admittedly adorable! He fits right in and we get to skip the very time consuming puppy period. Not that I don’t like the puppy period, but we just don’t have time for puppy time in our lives. Maddox can pick up right where we are and I even got a little run in with him. It wasn’t an official run but it was a run and he did great at it. His previous owner taught me a trick with the leash, which is a lifesaver. Maddox could drag me through the trees and drowned me in the pond if he wanted, but this trick is just plain awesome and simple. You pretty much just wrap the leash around his chest and back up through the top so it is snug around his chest and not choking him and he isn’t pulling me everywhere. Works like a charm. If he starts to pull the leash gets tighter around the chest so he backs off and stays in control. He gives some pretty sweet hugs too.
Back to training. I was getting pretty worried for a while as I didn’t think my body was responding as it should. I had a lot of bloating around my stomach and my abs were being stubborn. After my 7 mile run on Sunday the weekend before last a switch was flipped. I think it was exactly what my body needed. My stomach is starting to shape up. We are 6 weeks out. I’m nervous. Just talking about it makes me nervous. My goal is to not show everyone that this is my first time on stage. I’m pulling out a new fitness diva personality when it comes time. Be ready! This week we worked back, arms, shoulders, a little chest, and I don’t think we did legs this week or we did them early and I can’t remember, but I can tell. Last week my legs were SOLID. I mean S.O.L.I.D! My butt down into my hammies and quads. This week they aren’t as much. You’d think after running 11 miles in a weekend they would still be solid, but they aren’t. My running is done on Saturday and Sundays alone. No running during the week unless it is a warm up or after some boys.
Runs – wow. My Saturday morning runs have become torturous. They are short and supposed to be faster, but they aren’t so fast. I don’t know if it is just transitioning my body back to runner mode or what, but every step sucks and I want to quit. I should be able to handle 3 miles, right?! Sunday is a completely different story. They are so fulfilling and they actually feel really, really good. I don’t even need to talk myself out of being negative with them. At 4 miles yesterday I felt like I could conquer the world and any problem that came my way. I felt awesome. Around mile 6 I didn’t feel as great, but not wanting to quit anytime soon. 8.18 total miles, the longest I think I have ever ran and it was awesome. And actually fast, sub 9, which is fast for now and with the training I’m doing. Beyond satisfied with that. I think the final pace was 8:48. I’ll take it! If I can hold on to that pace for 5 more miles I would be extremely satisfied with my half marathon time. My hips felt the strongest, which is good. We have been doing a lot of hip work. Lunges, deep squats, etc.
This weekend was just one of those weekends when things felt easy. Easy to keep my patience, easy to adapt to what we had to do and not worry about what wasn’t getting done, easy to love, easy to be loved. Everything was easy except that 3 mile Saturday morning run. It is days like this that let me know I can do it. I need days like this when the days of screaming, fighting, and constant struggle are looming. I’m thankful for the easy days!!!
Eating – it is going well. I’m not too picky with food anyway besides those sweets. I’m loading the veggies as much as possible and making sure I try to eat as lean of a meat as I can. So far so good and I’m sure it is making a difference on those long run days where I need the fuel. Previously if I went out and ran 5 miles I’d be dead the rest of the day and cranky, but these last 2 Sunday’s with long runs, it’s like I never ran. My body isn’t sore, my energy is up, and my mood is good. More of that please!!! And, when I pass that bowl of tiny candy bars at work in the morning I can smile instead of talking myself out of going closer to it. Cahnges are starting to become habit, life, a part of me. That’s where I wanted to get. I probably won’t stay this strict with my diet forever and will savor a few good ole country comfort meals once this training is over, but for the most part I am like a chameleon… changing!!!
I think that is enough for now. I’m going to try to blog more as we dial in on 2 big goals coming soon. I want to make sure I’m journaling this experience. I may never do it again.
Again, thank you all for the love and support. Keep it coming. If you have an idea for what I should wear for my theme wear shoot me an idea. We haven’t decided just yet.
Oh wait, playing catch. OMG, playing catch. I have 3 boys, you all know that, but when I knew that that was my future I pictured sports and dirt and a lot of energy. Man, I must be some kind of psychic! The weekend before last I had an actual game of catch with the baseball with Wyatt. Waylon joined in some too. But, to actually throw the ball and not have to hold back much just felt amazing. That boy has a sweet arm when he lets it fly too. So much potential in his future. This weekend we played catch with the football for over an hour it seems. I have to admit he threw that tiny plastic football much better than I did. That’s the reason I do this. That’s the reason why I want to make sure I am in shape. I want to make sure I can run across the yard after a football and make great catches with my sons. I want them to know I am right there with them and can step in and do what they want to do without them saying, “but I don’t like to play with mom because she can’t …” I want to run trails with them, explore the world around them and not be left behind grasping my knees and having a heart attack. That’s why I’m here doing what I do.
You are my hero, Tara! You are doing so much and staying so positive. Keep going. Keep pushing. You have so many rooting for you and CHEERING for you! Especially those three little boys! xoxo