Friday, October 30, 2009

Déjà vu and it rained on their parade...

Last night Wyatt and I had some together time and went to Dale's football game. It was the 2nd annual Clash for Cancer game where my hometown rival, Plattsburg (the school Dale currently coaches at) and Lawson (my hometown) duke it out in honor of the fight against cancer. It is amazing to see the heart of high schoolers these days. It is more common to hear how disrespectful they can be. Last night Lawson stepped out on the field with black and PINK jerseys with PINK socks. Now tell me, how often do you see athletes willing to wear pink and lots of it? Lawson has this atmosphere about it. I can't explain it, just like something special. We always have and probably always will. Even now when I sit on the visitor side bleachers I feel it.
Plattsburg then entered the field wearing white and PINK! Again, awesome! Just last week a few of these boys had some issues with showing a lack of respect to their coaches and teammates.

I was really not that happy about not getting to bring Waylon along, it was his birthday and all, but the night started out way too wet for him. I'm sure he got plenty spoiled with Grandma! Wyatt and I really needed this time together, just the 2 of us. We stood up for the kick off and he was so excited. He LOVES sports! The first tackle went down and the water and mud flew. Wyatt couldn't contain his excitement when he saw that. He started jumping up and down and screaming, "OH MY GOSH, DID YOU SEE THAT!" and he was laughing hysterically. It was great to see and I'm happy I got to have a moment like that with him. I forgot to mention Dale walked by on the way up to the booth and Wyatt yelled out at him. Dale gave him 5 and started walking off, but then Wyatt yelled, "Daddy, can I give you a hug?" You could hear all the parents in the bleachers go, AAWWWHHH! They gave hugs and even a kiss, I was beaming with pride. Those are my boys! Dale in pink and a public display of affection, who is this guy???

We had a great time at the game watching and sitting together. As I was sitting on those bleachers I got déjà vu. When I was in high school, there was a game where Shelly and Ang (mentioned a few times before on here) were running for some reason and ran right into the cable that was suppose to keep the crowd off the field. They ended up with the fatest lips. HILARIOUS!!!!! Once we knew they were ok of course. It made me laugh out loud as I was sitting there. I was going to tell Wyatt about it, but reciting "the good ole' days" to my son like I am some grandma just seemed too old for me : )!

I got another case of déjà vu this morning. I took the day off today because of the game last night and the big birthday party tomorrow. I still have yet to get started doing what I need to be doing, OOPS! But as I was getting "motivated" to get started Regis and Kelly came on. Of course it is their Halloween show. It threw me right back to the day we were in the hospital and I was waiting for Waylon to arrive. Dale, me and my mom sat there laughing at Regis and Kelly and all of the ridiculous things they were doing on their show. It seemed like just a few months ago we were doing that. A YEAR has gone by already! It is STILL so hard to believe.

So, back to the game. It was 7-0, Lawson, until about 1:30 left. Plattsburg scored. We were so excited! They were going to go for the win. They tried punching it in and we all were for sure he got it, but no touch down was called. Right then the rain came back, so ironic. It truly rained on their parade. So disappointing. Lawson gets Plattsburg in close games like this every stinkin year. One year, we will pull it off.

Now off to get my house in order...

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